Vini, Birre, Ribelli


Even though Vini, Birre, Ribelli is primarily a wine festival — over 75% of the participants are winemakers — this still is one festival beer lovers in Brussels can’t afford to miss! The third edition moved once again to a bigger location, this year occupying the Citroën site near Yser. Oh, and no ‘sessions’, no tokens, just a fixed entrance fee and unlimited refills of your tasting glass!

003Even with a majority of stand holders serving wine, there are still 28 ‘rebellious’ breweries represented at Vini, Birre, Rebelli, more than most other beer festivals in Brussels, and quite an interesting selection, to say the least. There is a number of breweries from Belgium of course, a couple from Italy — to be expected, with an event name in Italian — and from many other countries.

If you regularly visit Moeder Lambic, you probably recognise most of the breweries, That shouldn’t come as a surprise, if you know that Jean Hummler — owner of those bars — is one of the organisers of this event. Still, there will be plenty to discover at Vini, Birre, Rebelli, since a lot of the brewers will be bringing some of their newest brews. There are no beer lists announced though, so you’ll just have to come and see what is available.

ijzerPrevious editions, the beer and wine stands were mixed, sometimes even sharing a table. This year however, it seems all brewers are set up in the same area. Still, a word of warning for the visiting beer lovers not used to wine events: there will be a lot of spitting into buckets! Don’t change your habits though, beer really is supposed to be swallowed to be fully tasted and enjoyed.

There will be plenty of food as well: the Slow Food Village there will be twelve different food trucks and other food suppliers, with anything from pizzas and pancakes to smoked ribs and salted meat!

We missed the first edition, not realising what a great festival this was even if you’re not interested in wine, so don’t make the same mistake we did and come. And if you’re so unlucky to have an other half who prefers wine over beer, this will be the only festival that will make you both happy!

Belgian breweries at Vini, Birre, Rebelli

  • Brunehaut
  • Brasserie du Brabant
  • Ça brasse pour moi
  • Brasserie Cantillon
  • Brouwerij De Ranke
  • Drie Fonteinen
  • En Stoemelings
  • Nanobrasserie de l’Ermitage
  • Brasserie de la Senne
  • No Science Brasserie
  • Gueuzerie Tilquin
  • Brouwerij ‘t Verzet

Other breweries at Vini, Birre, Rebelli

  • Ales Agullons (E)
  • Birrificio Argo (IT)
  • Brasserie Bendorf (F)
  • Birra Brùton (IT)
  • Cloudwater (UK)
  • Brasserie Dunham (CAN)
  • La Franche (F)
  • Franches-Montagnes Brewery (BFM) (CH)
  • The Kernel Brewery (UK)
  • Birra MC – 77 (IT)
  • Birra Montegioco (IT)
  • Brasserie Du Mont Salève (F)
  • Brasserie Sulauze (F)
  • Birra Toccalmatto (IT)
  • Birrificio Ventitré (IT)
  • Brasserie des Vignes (F)



  • 28 breweries from Belgium and the rest of the world


  • Slow Food Village with 12 different stand holders


  • A €17 entrance fee: this including access for two days and a tasting glass
    • No tokens needed: just ask to fill your glass at any stand

Be at the Garage Citroën Yser

  • On Saturday November 26, from 10:00 until 19:00
  • On Sunday November 27, from 10:00 until 18:30

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What have people been drinking here recently?