A train station—especially in Belgium—is not the place where you’d usually look for craft beer and good food. However, somehow we found both in Brussels Central Station, in the slightly confusingly named little restaurant Seoul South Station. Here you pair your tasty Korean fried chicken with a refreshing Asian style rice lager made by Tipsy Tribe, in Koekelberg.
You’ll find Seoul South Station on the lower level of Brussels Central Station, down the steps from the ticket hall, where most other food outlets are as well. Seoul South Station is a small chain with restaurants in Ghent, Leuven, and now Brussels too. Even though the entrance is not facing the street, it definitely falls in the street food category. The decor of this hole in the wall is reminiscent of the little restaurants you would find in a Korean street.
The menu is simple, and kind of like a flow chart: choose your dish—a bucket of Bukchon bites, a Buson bowl which includes rice, or a Seoul Special to include some kimchi as well—wether you want chicken or the vegetarian cauliflower option, the size, and then of course the sauce: honey garlic, sweet spicy gochujang, sriracha mayo, or blueberry (!) BBQ. We had a large bucket and a bowl, and of course some beer with it!
As you would expect in a Korean restaurant, there is some soju in the fridge. What piqued our interest however, were the bottles of Horang-i. This is a dry-hopped rice lager especially brewed for Seoul South Station by Tipsy Tribe Brewery & Distillery, a brewery in Koekelberg. We’ll definitely have to visit them soon for a full report! Its clean profile and citrusy hops distinguish Horang-i from the usual Asian lagers, and makes it perfect to enjoy with your fried chicken dish. The beer is not just served in the Brussels restaurant, by the way, but in their restaurants in Ghent and Leuven as well!
Next time you feel peckish on your way to or from the train platform, don’t hesitate to drop by at Seoul South Station, for some chicken and a local Asian beer! Just keep in mind the restaurant is annoyingly closed in the weekends…

- Horang-i by Tipsy Tribe Brewery & Distillery
- Korean fried chicken
Seoul South Station
Europakruispunt 2 Carrefour de l'Europe
(inside Brussels Central station)
1000 Brussels
Website - Facebook - Instagram
What have people been drinking here recently?
- Salvatore Tedesco is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Sondra Radke-Nutter is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Charles Nutter is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
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- Ward Verstappen is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Katrien Moeys is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Hannah Casier is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Martijn K is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Steven Simmonds is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station
- Mike Simmonds is drinking a Horang-i at Seoul South Station