Le Pantin

© Hannah Casier | Le Pantin

Le Pantin is a strange bar. It certainly is a bar run by beer lovers, but it is definitely a student bar as well. On the one hand, there’s a beer menu that ranges from boring blondes, to the latest beers of local brewers. On the other hand, a beer is rarely served in the correct glass here…

Le Pantin is one of the oldest bars we ever discussed on this blog, and it’s an injustice it has taken so long for us to get around to it! It is a classic amongst students—the VUB and ULB are not far—but also beer lovers. As long as they’re not too fussy about their glassware…

The atmosphere however, absolutely takes precedence over the beers. You simply cannot stop looking at everything that’s standing or hanging around you, the quirky layout with cosy nooks and crannies: there’s a rather big upstairs level with loads more seating! There are books and games everywhere, and hidden behind a sliding door, there’s even a table football table, or kicker as they call it here.

Local and Belgian

While it’s quite customary to find Zinnebir on draught in Brussels bars, it’s a delight to find only independent breweries—some bigger than others—on the other taps as well. The bottle list supplements the offer nicely, with a nice mix of styles and breweries. And here again, the biggest brewery you’ll find is Moortgat, with their Duvel. The odd ones out are Desperados and Grimbergen, both Heineken products…

It’s nice to see a short taste description on the chalkboard menu, something that wouldn’t go amiss in a lot of other bars! All in all, Le Pantin is definitely worth a visit when you’re in the Flagey area and want to experience something slightly different!



  • 6 beers on draught from independent breweries
  • An impressive bottle list
    • Nice mix of local and Belgian beers from all over the country


  • Cheese & sausage

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What have people been drinking here recently?