Cool Bun

UPDATE: Closed permanently…

DSC_0012Since the gourmet burger trend started, loads of burger places appeared in Brussels, trying to get their piece of the pie. You can now find burgers in all price ranges, and the ones at Cool Bun are certainly in the higher range. In this case however, that is completely justified! The burgers are grilled to perfection — some places just don’t seem to understand ‘medium’ — with the finest, organic ingredients, and they even have some American craft beers to go with this pinnacle of American cuisine.

DSC_0009There are actually two Cool Buns: one in Saint-Gilles — the one we visited — and one near Schuman. Both have the same food — organic, locally raised/grown and handmade — and beer menu, so just choose the one that is most convenient for you.

On top of the placemat menus, we found a special Texas BBQ menu, enticing us to order something different than only burgers this time. So apart from the Gorgonzola Burger — one of the classics at Cool Bun — we had the Texas BBQ Chicken as well, that came with a moreish Jack Daniels sauce.

Both dishes lived well up to our expectations. Even though the burger came with the top half of the home baked bun on the side, after putting it on top again, it was perfectly possible to eat it by hand — as a burger should be eaten.
The chips weren’t as crispy as they could have been, but it turned out they were from the new harvest of potatoes, which are notoriously hard to fry to a crisp without them turning very brown. They tasted fine though, and I ate every last one of them.

We don’t usually order dessert when going out for dinner, but they convinced us to try the cookie sandwich: two freshly baked, hot cookies, with ice cream  in between them. We are so happy we did have it after all, it was just the perfect end of our meal!

DSC_0013For a place that writes “Burgers & Wines” in their logo, they surely put an incredible amount of thought in the beer offer. No beers actually from Brussels, so the beer list isn’t as local as it could have been, but half the beers offered are organic, which is quite an accomplishment.

Completely the opposite of local, is the offering of American beers, by Brooklyn Brewery, AnchorFlying Dog and Founders. No mention of these beers on the website, so if we hadn’t seen them being checked in on Untappd, we wouldn’t have expected to see them here at all.
Although it was great to see those beers from overseas here, it quickly revealed a downside as well: contradictory as it may seem, modern IPA’s aren’t made to travel that far, and often lose a lot of their hoppy aromas before they reach our table. No such problems for porters though, so don’t hesitate to order one of those!

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  • A permanent bottle list of about 20 Belgian beers, half of them organic
  • American guest beers


  • Awesome organic burgers!
  • The cookie sandwich. Just order it, you’ll regret it if you don’t…

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